


Robyn Pacini Hits It Out of the Ballpark

How many know what equipment is hidden in the crawl spaces of Fenway Park? As a new facilities coordinator, Robyn Pacini was assigned the challenging task of documenting, servicing, and maintaining...

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  • Jack Rubinger
  • 19 Aug 2021
Gain Control of Construction
Project Documentation

Whether you’re the facility manager for a university campus founded in the 1700s or a mid-century community hospital,...

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  • Jack Rubinger
  • 06 Aug 2021
Hands on Information for Facilities Teams
Keys to School Emergency Preparedness

Schools and school districts are complex, complicated, and conspicuous with their presence in local communities. Everyone knows their local elementary school, middle school, high school – even if your kids are grown. That visibility makes schools vulnerable to the full gamut of incidents from active shootings to natural disasters to burst water pipes and power outages....

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  • ARC Facilities
  • 04 Aug 2021
Sustaining Growth, Fostering Safety, Doing Good for the People

With $650M in bond construction programs, Kelle' Lynch McMahon and her team of 15 facility staff and consultants are helping manage the growth of the Fremont Unified School District in Fremont, California. Fremont Unified School District serves 32,000 students in grades K-12....

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  • Jack Rubinger
  • 22 Jul 2021
One Good Turn Deserves Another:
Find Shut-offs Fast

As if you don’t already have enough on your plate, knowing the locations of your facility’s gas, water main, water isolation valves and med gas valve is more difficult than it sounds. Renovations, the number of years you’ve been on the job and the vastness of some campuses all contribute to the difficulty of finding these devices – coupled with the unavailability of location documentation. In facility emergencies, often times, the first thing that needs to be addressed are shut-offs....

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  • ARC Facilities
  • 19 May 2021
After a year-long lockdown, Spring is here.
Time to explore different opportunities.

Whether you are looking for an O&M manual for the air handler or the 1986 remodel plans for the nursing station or even the emergency evacuation plan we seem to be doing the same thing -- walking back to the document storage room. We know the information is there, somewhere....

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  • Suri Suriyakumar
  • 06 May 2021
Retirement Redux for Facility Managers

Facilities knowledge is as much technical as it is physical or industrial. Requirements for building engineers have never been greater as equipment grows increasingly more sophisticated, but the clock is sped up with the creeping up of retirement....

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  • David Trask
  • 30 Mar 2021
ARC Facilities Announces New Patents for optimizing data transfers and synchronization of information
ARC Facilities Announces New Patents for optimizing
data transfers and synchronization of information

Facilities professionals work in multiple buildings, across large campuses, school districts, towns and geographical regions. Lack of immediate access to critical building information is often cited as the cause for maintenance delays and repairs, which compromise safety....

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  • ARC Facilities
  • 03 Feb 2021
Instant Access to building facility data
Access to Building Information in the
Built Space

Fast access to building information is a critical component of facilities management that has never been addressed....

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  • Suri Suriyakumar
  • 19 Jan 2021
Simplifying School facility Safety Reports
Technology Team Gets an "A" for
Simplifying School Safety Reports

The safety of our schools is a subject the technology team at ARC Facilities has mastered from a deep inside-the-facility perspective....

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  • Jack Rubinger
  • 19 Jan 2021
Short-Staffing Due to COVID
Demands Resourcefulness

Use all 5 Senses, Share Building Information COVID is having a profound impact on building knowledge among facilities teams, many of which are still onsite every day, but may be short-staffed....

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  • David Trask
  • 15 Jan 2021
A glimpse into 2021 and beyond from
ARC Facilities CEO Suri Suriyakumar

What can we do minimize stress and maximize time management for our nation’s facilities teams? The key is to organize all the building information in appropriate categories, extract intelligence from these documents and deliver info to the end users through a simple user interface....

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  • Jack Rubinger
  • 29 Dec 2020
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