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The University of Tulsa

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The school provides excellent services for students including autonomous “lunch boxes,” robotic vehicles that deliver snacks and boosts of caffeine to students from the student union to campus apartment complexes.

A Campus on the Cutting Edge

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Cypress College

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Cypress College, located in North Orange County, is renowned for its academic excellence and its expansive campus footprint. The college has recently expanded its infrastructure with the

Enhancing Facility Management through Digital Integration

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Tech-Driven Efficiency

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Pomona College, established in 1887, holds the distinction of being the founding member of the esteemed Claremont Consortium.

Tech-Driven Efficiency

Pomona College’s Facility Management Evolution
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AdventHealth Carrollwood - Enhancing Patient Care

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AdventHealth Carrollwood is a 119-bed hospital, based in Tampa, which provides award-winning care across a wide variety of services including heart care, spine and orthopedic

Enhancing Patient Care

Transforming Hospital Efficiency Through Digital Facilities Management
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Carson City School District

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Located in Northern Nevada, Carson City is the capital of Nevada. As of the 2020 census, the population was 58,639, making it the 6th most populous city in the state. The city limits

Carson City School District Enhancing

Safety & Efficiency with ARC Facilities
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St. Francis Hospital

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The Yale campus of St. Francis Hospital has continuously expanded and evolved since its inception in 1960. Over the span of six decades, this campus has burgeoned into a

St. Francis Hospital:

A Legacy of Growth and Innovation
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Penumbra - Empowering Precision

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Fast-growing Penumbra, Inc., a medical device company headquartered in Alameda, California, manufactures devices to treat blood clot removals in the brain. The environment is

Elevating The Level of Care For

Facility Documentation at Penumbra
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Facility Transformation Driven by Technology – Seminole Tribe of Florida

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It's always been a challenge to educate and show our technicians where everything is -- whether it’s an electrical

JT Stacy, the TW Director of Facility Management

at Seminole Tribe of Florida
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College of the Sequoias Building & Emergency Information in the Palm of Your Hand

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Our number one concern is roof leaks. If it rains, something is going to leak. It’s just a matter of how quickly you can find it and how quickly you can resolve the situation,” said Woods.

Byron Woods, Dean of Facilities and Facilities Planning

Higher Education, Visalia, CA
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Cherokee Nation: Building Bridges for Construction & Facilities

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There were points where we couldn’t even locate the information because projects were so old. That was a big problem.

WC Gernandt, Corporate Construction Manager

Construction, N. Oklahoma
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Keeping county history alive creating digital pathways for transformation

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I kind of knew ARC Document Solutions because they were on-site for a scanning project and they approached me about the facilities management piece"

Benjamin Treppa, CSP, Deputy Director, Facilities and Operations

County of Macomb Government, Macomb County, Michigan
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Moorpark College Scores an A+ for Facility Innovation & Resourcefulness

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We have a humongous mass of documentation,” said Sinutko. “I was having nightmares about what we’d do if we had to find shut-offs during a disaster.

John Sinutko, Director of Facilities

Maintenance & Operations, Moorpark, CA
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Salal Credit Union Moves Facility Documentation to the Cloud for Easy Mobile Access

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In the beginning, we basically just handed over all of our blueprints to ARC Facilities and then had those all scanned"

Mark Verner, Sr. Property Manager

Facilities Dept, Seattle, WA
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Martin Luther King Jr Community Hospital

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By using the ARC Facilities app, we're able to figure out like, okay, here's where we need to put the shut off valves so we can isolate each leak, so we don't have to essentially go back and forth

Jonathan Westall, Vice President, Ancillary Services Martin Luther King Jr Community Hospital

Greater Los Angeles Area, California
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AdventHealth Wesley Chapel

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In the world of maintenance, I need to get as much work done–correctly, safely and as quickly as possible. If I can reduce the

John Crouch, Director of Facilities AdventHealth Wesley Chapel

Wesley Chapel, FL
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Orange County Florida

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Mobility is important because you need information at your fingertips. In an emergency, the last thing you want a

Rich Steiger, Manager

Facilities Management Orange County Government, Orlando FL
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Middletown School District Public Schools

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Our relationship with police, fire and emergency management has developed into a partnership. We're giving access to

Marco Gaylord

Director of Operations Middletown School District, Middletown CT