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With 5.5 million sq ft. of space, 400+ buildings, 1,000 sq. miles, 5 geographic maintenance districts, and 5 warehouses with million-dollar inventory, technicians need info readily available in smartphones and tablets- when performing a function on a piece of equipment, building, or service. Technology going from paper to tablet allows information access to be faster. The facilities team now has access to “Real-Time-Communication”, allowing access, sharing, and archiving new information.
Facilities Directors discuss how mobile solutions improve service response, mitigate risks and boost productivity.
Facilities leaders discuss the challenges of retiring workers and the role of technology.
Responding to an active shooter, bomb threat or natural disaster shouldn't include searching through documents.
See how you can instantly share critical building information in seconds with ARC’s Award-Winning mobile app.
Watch how quickly you can be up and running with ARC's award-winning software.
Make continuous healthcare compliance easy with the ARC mobile App.
Successful compliance depends as much on accurate physical environment self-surveys.
ARC will scan, organize and link every file and document you have.
Instant access to critical facilities information. Improve productivity and communication with anywhere, anytime access to your information.
Access and share critical emergency information in seconds with ARC's Mobile Facilities Dashboards.