
Handling hospital emergencies is a tough job. Here are six safety questions all hospital facility managers should be able to answer.

Handling hospital emergencies is a tough job. Here are six safety questions all hospital facility managers should be able to answer.

Handling hospital emergencies is a tough job. Here are six safety questions all hospital facility managers should be able to answer.

How to handle six hospital emergency situations

Knowing the answers to these hospital emergency questions can save lives:

  1. Do you have an easily accessible COVID-19 screening area for recording temperature checks?
  2. Do have an emergency evacuation plan that addresses floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, shootings?
  3. Does everyone know where to find all the eye wash stations, exits, entrances, fire extinguishers, pull stations, defibrillators? What about shut-offs?
  4. Is police and fire department information available at nurse’s stations?
  5. Are your emergency action plans available to all team leads on mobile devices?
  6. Is there a system to automatically back up compliance binders and building plans?

Facility building plans shouldn’t be inaccessible in some drawer, binder or storage room. ARC Facilities has a mobile app for on-the-go facility managers, so you have instant access to all building info. Demo here.

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